Wanna write your own story? In Story Teller, you can do that! Shuffle, shimmy, and slide all those adorable avatars and enchanting scenes to their rightful places to weave a plot worthy of your favorite books. Let’s begin!

Chapters And Plot Twists

Buckle up for a gripping ride through three chapters, each adorned with 12 stages of pulse-pouting heart-fluttering tales. These stories come in all shapes and sizes – from sweet serenades to dramatic dilemmas. What’s it gonna be?

Collect the Crowns and Hats

Achievement hunters, this one’s for you! As you conquer the stages of your story, keep an eye out for those coveted crowns and hats. Collect them like tokens of triumph, displaying your mastery in the gallery for all the virtual world to see. Because who doesn’t want to wear a crown while telling a good story?

Unlimited Story Tests

Worried about matching the wrong pieces of the story puzzle? Fear not, for Story Teller showers you with unlimited chances to test out your concoctions. It’s like a dating app for your words and ideas, only without the awkward first dates – just endless possibilities! Ready to swipe right on the virtual adventure of a lifetime? Unleash your inner story-telling maestro and tell a tale that goes down in generations!


  1. cursus:


  2. drawn butter:


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